Almost two months ago I noticed something very interesting about the November 30, 2021 Oxford High shooting (4 killed) in Oakland County, Michigan, the deadliest school shooting before the 2022 Uvalde shooting and after the 2018 Santa Fe, Texas, shooting that happened on the centennial of the Oakdale munitions explosion. As I discussed in one of my recent blog posts, it seems likely that the date of the May 26, 2021, shooting at the San Jose streetcar maintenance facility had something to do with it being the 125th anniversary of what is still North America's deadliest streetcar disaster, namely the May 26, 1896, streetcar disaster in Victoria, British Columbia, which occurred when the bridge over Point Ellice Channel collapsed under the streetcar. Recall that what's especially weird about this disaster is that it happened the day of Nicholas II's coronation ceremony as (the last) tsar—then the next day, on May 27, 1896, the St. Louis/E. St. Louis tornado, and on May 30, 1896, the Khodynka tragedy. It seems likely to me that elements associated somehow with German militarists were trying to create fatalism against the tsar by using the juxtapositions as evidence that the tsar was doomed by the disaster spirits, or something like that. Perhaps (or maybe it is just coincidence) the German militants may have even done something to encourage the Khodynka tragedy. Anyway, what I should have noticed earlier is that the day before the Victoria trolley disaster a tornado wiped out the northern part of Oxford Twp. About 41 in total were killed by the tornado, including 17 in Oxford Township. In particular, the community of Oakwood (which was partially in Oxford and partially in Brandon Twp) was obliterated. Oakwood was centered at the intersection of Baldwin and Oakwood Roads. Madisyn Baldwin was one of the four students murdered by Crumbley in the high school shooting.
Why Crumbley chose November 30 as the date of the shooting is not as clear—it's a day that's quite free of disaster anniversaries. One possibility is that he was so excited about the 9mm semiautomatic pistol his dad got him the Friday (Black Friday) before the shooting that he could hardly wait. Another possibility is that he chose the date to align with that of an F3 tornado that struck Ocoee, TN, on November 30, 2016, killing two. Not a very deadly disaster, but Ocoee, TN, shares a name with Ocoee, FL, which is where the Klan infamously perpetrated the Ocoee massacre (about 35 dead) on November 2, 1920 (election day), in response to blacks trying to exercise their right to vote.
There is a history directly tying the date of the Michigan tornado of May 25, 1896, to racial violence in Montgomery County, Maryland. The last lynching to occur in Montgomery County was apparently that of Sydney Randolph, which occurred July 4, 1896 (in Rockville near present Montgomery College), supposedly (to the extent one can take the word of a lynch mob at face value) because the lynchers thought him the axe murderer who attacked the four members of the Buxton family in their home in Gaithersburg as they were sleeping during the early hours of May 25, 1896, the same day as the tornado in Oxford, Michigan (seven year old Sadie Buxton would die from her injuries at Garfield hospital in DC on June 5, 1896). Not that Randolph shouldn't have been entitled to a trial regardless, but the evidence against him was circumstantial and I'm inclined to think rather flimsy (but it's not something I've studied closely). The site of the Buxton home is believed to have been across 355 from what would be the site of Dalamar Roller Rink and Bowling Lanes (which later became the Golden Bull restaurant, and which apparently was torn down about September 11-12, 2019). Paul Lentz, 14, was last seen alive June 18, 1975, while headed from his home near Montgomery College to an unspecified nearby bowling alley—perhaps this bowling alley? The date Lentz was taken probably has to do with it being the day the assassin of the Saudi king was executed. I think the attack on Lentz may have been originally planned for one day earlier, the anniversary of the 1905 Ransom or Finksburg train wreck, to this day the deadliest Maryland train wreck since 1854, but was moved back in reverence to the assassin. The heroic engineer in the 1905 wreck (who died staying at the brakes rather than jumping) was a Covell, and there is supposedly according to some online maps a community called South Covell not too far from where the body of Lentz was left. It's an old Ghoulardi saying according to a cartoon from Dahmer's former friend Backderf that “fink” is “knife” spelled backwards.
The last tornado of the May 1896 tornado sequence was on the 28th, an F2 that dissipated near Littlestown, PA, where barns were destroyed. Littlestown is where Tracy Anne King, 14, vanished less than three weeks after Lentz was murdered. The interested will find it worth while to look at a contemporary thorough list of the US tornadoes of May 1896.
Also of interest is that the first devastating tornado (73 dead) of the May 1896 outbreak sequence started in Denton County, TX (on May 15)—the storm formed over Denton, then dropped a tornado near Pilot Point, Denton County, which later killed many in Sherman, TX, in Grayson County. That said, the Sherman tornado was not the first tornado of the May 1896 outbreak sequence. A couple hours or so before the F5 tornado that hit Sherman, there was an F3 that killed 2 in Justin, Denton County and then an F2 that killed 3 in Gribble Springs, Denton County. Early in the morning of the 15th a predawn tornado killed an elderly gentleman in Moundridge, KS. There were other tornadoes scattered in the midwest on May 11 and May 12, but these latter I do not believe caused fatalities. Anyway, the Rockville Centre train wreck happened as a result of a motorman having failed to react to signal S176, which I mostly believe was located next to Denton Street in Lynbrook, NY. My blog post of February 18, 2021, explains the possible significance of the wreck and, more particularly, the number of this signal, to JFK's assassin(s). I didn't point out there that JFK was to pass through the intersection of Denton and Mockingbird on his trip from the Trade Mart to Love Field. Quite close to Love Field, it would have been the last major intersection he would have went through during his visit to Dallas, and so possibly (or quite possibly not, I'm admittedly being rather speculative) might have been a secondary backup sniping nest, to be used if Oswald failed to hit JFK. In 1974, in Fort Worth, Carla Walker was taken on the anniversary of the Rockville Centre wreck, the same night Robert Preston flew his helicopter onto the White House grounds; her body was found in a culvert three days later. The Gray Audograph recording of channel 2 of Dallas Police transmissions indicates that about 10 minutes before JFK was shot, police squad 212 inquired of headquarters when JFK would be by there, because a crew of telephone workers wanted to know when JFK would be through there:
Lee Harvey Oswald's brother Robert Oswald was living in Denton (where he was a sales coordinator at the Acme Brick Plant) when JFK was assassinated.
The May 25, 1955, Udall, KS, tornado was on the anniversary of the 1896 Oxford tornado. The Udall tornado was headed directly toward Oxford when it did an S-curve around the town, taking out just the King (note the surname homonymy with Martin Luther King) family residence on the north side of town, killing five of that family, the only fatalities in Sumner County. Then the tornado slammed into Cowley County and Udall (77 more dead).
The same day as the Victoria, BC, streetcar disaster (and the coronation ceremony of Nicholas II) was the (somewhat less deadly) sinking of the sidewheel paddle-steamer ferry Katherine off Cairo, Illinois (11 dead). Cairo is the county seat of Alexander County. Catherine and Alexander were the summer palaces for the tsar at Tsarkoye Selo, just south of St. Petersburg, and so this ferry disaster may have been another disaster German and racist occultists may have used to convince the superstitious that the disasters of mid-late May 1896 may well comprise a supernatural sign that the disaster spirits hated the tsar or whatever. (It's curious how you've got all three types of homonymy going on, viz., with Alexander County you've got homophonic and homographic homonymy with the palace, while with the sidewheel paddle steamer Katherine you've got homophony but not homography, what since the Catherine Palace is spelled with a “C” in English; as for Cairo, Illinois, it's pronounced like the corn syrup (Karo), thus, yep, it's homographic, but not homophonic with the capital of Egypt.) After the violence of 1905, the dangers from would-be revolutionary assassins were judged to be sufficiently strong that the tsar stopped living in the Winter Palace downtown, living mostly all year round at the Alexander Palace, while using the Catherine palace three hundred yards from it mainly for the formal ceremonies—or at least that's what I gather from the superficial history I've gained from internet searches—but I'm no expert in Russian history. Cairo sits at the confluence of the mighty Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Youtube is replete with videos trying to explain why what was a bustling town in the 1920s, with such a significant location, is nowadays an almost deserted spooky quasi-ghost-town. But Cairo's squalor and that of E. St. Louis are really the sort of thing you'd expect once you get it, i.e., the particular references of the occultists to these towns, and the history of these towns with racial strife is confirmation. For sure, one of the things you don't want if you live in a town is for weirdo racist pro-German-militarist- nationalists to believe your town is of supernatural occult significance, as I suppose is the case with Cairo and E. St. Louis on account of their May 1896 disasters with dates on or near that of the coronation ceremony of the tsar. Admittedly, I hadn't much thought that Montgomery County, Maryland, where I grew up, was such a place, but it does have some sordid history (an axe murder that a racist lynch mob used as an excuse to murder) from that era that was just one day before the tsar's coronation, as well as a quite racist past.
Recall James Earl Ray left the St. Francis Hotel on the anniversary of the Tri-State tornado. Well, Cairo is adjacent to the actual place three states come together. In fact, Katherine was known as the ferry that “touches three states in less than an hour”. (The tornado route and Katherine's route both involved Missouri and Illinois, but while the tornado's route involved Indiana, Katherine's involved Kentucky.)
I mentioned briefly in a previous post that Lincoln's assassination may have been organized at least somewhat over the explosion of the steamship Medora. On April 14, 1842, twenty-three years to the day before Lincoln was assassinated, when Medora was setting out on a trial run from the dock of the engine builder, Mr. John Watchman, off William Street on the southern side of the Inner Harbor (formerly called “The Basin”), about where the Maryland Science Museum is today, or between that and the adjacent skate park, her boiler blew up, killing 28. Medora was to be delivered to the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, which lasted until 1962, better known as the Old Bay Line. Her hull was mostly undamaged, and was reused to create a new steamship for the Old Bay Line, namely Herald. Yeah, that's right, indeed it is suggestive that Herald is basically a (homophonic but not totally homographic) homonym with Herold, as in David Herold, who was the one conspirator in Lincoln's assassination who stayed by Booth's side until the end, when federal troops surrounded the barn they were hiding in. (Unlike Booth, Herold gave himself up, and Herold was hanged July 7, 1865, for his part in the assassination conspiracy.) Also, it's worth looking in this connection at the employment history of one John Surratt, Jr., who admitted to conspiring with Booth in an earlier aborted attempt to kidnap Abraham Lincoln. Surratt, whose mother was hanged for her part in the assassination conspiracy, did flee to Canada and Europe for a while, but eventually was found and returned to the U.S., where he admitted involvement in the plot to kidnap Lincoln, for which the statute of limitations had expired. He underwent a civilian trial as regards participation in the plot to assassinate Lincoln, but there was a mistrial and he was not convicted (eight jurors voted not-guilty, four voted guilty). After returning to the U.S., he first taught in a girl's school just south of Rockville (an area called North Bethesda nowadays), and then taught at Emmitsburg, Maryland. The schoolhouse “in Rockville”, being off where Nicholson Lane is today, apparently was in those days just two houses east of the plantation house that enslaved Josiah Henson when he lived in the “Uncle Tom's Cabin” that gave the name for Harriet Beecher Stowe's quite influential novel. Judge for yourself as to the likelihood such a choice was made from symbolism. He ended up marrying a woman from Montgomery County—not just any woman, but oddly enough, the first cousin of the father of F. Scott Fitzgerald. F. Scott Fitzgerald's father's family lived at Locust Grove, a farm which I mostly think was somewhere in Bethesda near where Montgomery Mall is today. Shortly after his 1872 marriage, Surratt went to work for the Old Bay Line, working at the firm until August 1915, lastly as a general freight agent and auditor [according to his obituary in the 22 April 1916 Baltimore Sun]. Mary Surratt's other son also ended up working for the Old Bay Line. So there is more that ties the explosion of Medora to the Lincoln assassination than that they both happened April 14 and that the explosion happened in the city closest to where Booth grew up. True, if one doesn't suspect a pattern in other assassinations of references to disasters, one wouldn't think too much of it, but because such a pattern seems to exist, it is quite suggestive given the evidence from other assassinations, especially what with Medora being one of the two deadliest non-natural disasters in Baltimore before the Civil War, each of which occurred April 14 (the other disaster being the Baltimore fire of April 14, 1857). Still, I like to hope that in his later years working for the Old Bay Line, Surratt was basically making himself useful to humanity and even the world in general, notwithstanding having earlier plotted to kidnap or even (a matter of debate) to kill Lincoln, either of which was manifestly very bad—but the evidence I've seen affords nothing by way of proof one way or the other.
It's rather peculiar that Charles Follen was headed to give his first sermon at the church he designed in Lexington, MA, when he perished in the January 13, 1840, catastrophic fire of the paddle steamer Lexington (139 dead). Perhaps the fire was intentionally encouraged or the cotton bales intentionally set alight in order to kill Follen, the alignment of the ship's name being aligned with Follen's destination having been seen (by aligner weirdos) as an omen of sorts from the spirits of death? Perhaps some of the same European (Prussian?) forces that caused Follen to flee Hesse-Darmstadt were responsible, or perhaps the forces responsible were the same anti-free speech pro-slavery forces that murdered Elijah Lovejoy on November 7, 1837, and set fire to Pennsylvania Hall in Philadelphia on May 17, 1838—not that the choice is mutually exclusive (take George Atzerodt, hanged for his involvement in the conspiracy to kill Lincoln, but born in what was then Prussian Saxony). Another weird thing is that the Lexington fire started off Eaton's Neck in the Long Island Sound. Recall that General Slocum was going to the Locust Grove Picnic Ground on Eaton's Neck when she caught fire June 15, 1904. In 1975, Wendy Eaton, 15, disappeared from her home in the Philadelphia suburbs on the anniversary of the Pennsylvania Hall Fire in Philadelphia (also the anniversary of the 1923 Cleveland School fire (73 dead) in Camden, South Carolina).
It seems ominous that a well-known singer spent her teenage years in Nashville after spending her childhood years essentially where the chocolate factory exploded Friday, exactly one week after her new tour began. Perhaps Miss Hale felt the need to compete with male, gay zombies for the sodomy of some bisexual male zombifier who was into forcing those he sodomized to kill, largely so he would look like people intimate with him could hate notwithstanding their love isn't real but a consequence of sordid naturally produced "love" potion up the wazoo. She was probably frustrated at not being able to compete very well, which would explain her attempts to look male. This frustration probably signifies the zombifier wants a whole army of nasty little zombies, which skanky little Audrey zombie could never recruit for by copying the zombifier, because being female, it was physiologically impossible for her to sodomize. The main zombifier probably hopes to produce death on a much more massive scale with more illustrious victims, and those little (probably mostly male) zombies (along with any of their zombies, etc.) that competed with Audrey in the scramble to get screwed-up thoroughly, whoever they are, may well try to do zombifier's evil bidding, not from hate but from, say, having an unnaturally glorified superstitious view of the significance of the close juxtaposition in time of the start of a singer's tour with a factory explosion in her birthplace and with the school shooting near where she spent her teenage years.
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